What is man that thou are mindful of
Oluwagbenga Abiola@oluwagbengaabiola322369
2 months ago
What is man that thou are mindful of?
"Oh, Eternal One, Sovereign of the Cosmos,
What is mortal man, that You are mindful of him?
A fleeting whisper in the winds of time,
A momentary flicker in the grand tapestry of eternity.
And yet, You, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing,
Condescend to consider him, to cherish and to hold him dear.
You, who fashioned the firmament, who commanded the sun to shine,
Who breathed life into the nostrils of Adam, and formed Eve from his side.
You, who are the Author of Life, the Weaver of Destiny,
Who guide the stars in their celestial ballet, and orchestrate the rhythms of the sea.
You, who are the Refuge of the weary, the Comforter of the afflicted,
Who collect the tears of the sorrowful, and store them in Your bottle of remembrance.
What is man, that You are mindful of him?
A fragile, finite creature, prone to error, and susceptible to pain.
And yet, You, the Infinite, the Eternal, the Unchanging,
Choose to identify with him, to share in his joys, and to participate in his sorrows.
You, who are the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Who walked with Adam in the cool of the day, and communed with Moses face to face.
You, who are the Savior of humanity, the Redeemer of the fallen,
Who gave Your only-begotten Son, to ransom him from the slave-market of sin.
Oh, what is man, that You are mindful of him?
A rebellious, recalcitrant creature, who spurns Your love, and rejects Your care.
And yet, You, the God of mercy, the God of grace,
Continue to pursue him, to woo him, and to win him back to Your heart.
What a wonder, what a marvel, what a mystery!
That You, the Creator of the universe, should cherish, and hold dear, this mortal, fragile, finite man."
Written by Abiola Oluwagbenga
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