Mercy imafidon
Mercy imafidon

Mercy imafidon

A sickle cell influencer ✊❀️ // A beautiful proud christian sickle cell Warrior // A writer// A Business administrator//😌😁❀️.

Member Since: 1 year ago

love, From me to You
Mercy imafidon

love, From me to You

digest! Read again!

Mercy imafidon

Chronicle of a sickle cell warrior?

As a Sickle Cell patient, My mom would always wish that pains are transferable.. In her words, If they were transferable, she would have my pain transferred to her, so she get to feel all the pains, while I don't.. Truth be told, if pains were really transferable, I won't transfer it to her... I rather feel the pain alone. Seeing me in pain everytime, is enough pain for her.

Mercy imafidon

Disadvantage of Having Sickle cell anemia?

1. You are the weirdo among others. 2. You always look like you just arrived from the moon. 3. You have little or no friends at all.. 4. The hospital (ER) is your second bedroom 5. You carry drugs around.🚢🚢

Mercy imafidon

sickle cell 101

Sickle cell is not a dealth sentence! it's just a blood disorder genotype!

Mercy imafidon

Today's episode on Sickle cell and I

I totally forgot that sickle cell loves disgracing someone, because tell me why I'm experiencing crisis when I am on a date🀧🀦, like can't you wait for me to tell him about you, must you show yourself!?😩 Smh🚢

Jollof rice
Mercy imafidon

Jollof rice

Got all choked up at work, that I skipped Staff's mealπŸ₯Ί All I had in me was the Tasting of every Meal that I did earlier πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚.. Got home exhausted and famished! I struggled to the kitchen to prepare my favorite meal . luckily for me, I had Some savings in my freezer πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š I made Magic!!!! behold my Jolly jollof rice paired with chicken, plantain and vegetable (very important for my anemia)😚.. #JollofRiceChallenge #Jollofonnirclechallege

Mercy imafidon


~Jollof Rice~πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ One of the privilege that I've enjoyed in life, is been a food/Kitchen Manager 😊 I not only get the opportunity to Taste all the Meal that have been prepared, I also get the opportunity to Shot and take beautiful picture of different meal.. One of my favorite shot is One that I do for jollof rice πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ because it's my favorite! Not Cooked by Me, but definitely shot by Me!.. #jollofRiceChallenge #JollofOnNircleChallenge

Mercy imafidon


sickle cell anemia will disgrace youπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜ #Nircle

happy International women's day Mercy
I love
Mercy imafidon

happy International women's day Mercy I love

happy International women's day Mercy I love πŸ’• you #helloNircle #HappyInternationalWoman'sday

Mercy imafidon


I was having 8/10 pain Crisis on this day..We were still trying to manage it at home. My sister's friend was around and according to my sister, he (her friend) is AS and so is his girlfriend 🌚 I was rolling and crying on the bed, my sister was running up and down, looking for ways to take me to the hospital. As a result of the intense pain, I fainted. I woke up in the hospital and my sister told me that baba (her friend) has been crying and praying for me since I fainted 🀣 I looked at his ...

Favorite Meal.
Mercy imafidon

Favorite Meal.

Something I don't get tired of? Noodles! something I can eat even if I don't have appetite? Noddles!🀣 an easy meal to prepare? noodles!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ another day in my life to marvel at the sight of Delicious tasty meal.. #happyWeekend #helloNircle. #Foodlover

No faking it
Mercy imafidon

No faking it

Phewwwww..πŸ˜” #Nirclewarrior #Hellonircle

Mercy imafidon


... Phew.. days of my youth, is draining me 😩😀.. sadly, no Sunday picture, cause I was in bed throughout, begging for a miracle.πŸ₯Ί Recover quickly Mercy! .. #sundayonNircle #sundaypost #happysunday

Mercy imafidon

Know your Genotype!

If you are still planning on Marrying Your partner, even after knowing that you both have the sickle cell trait. Just Message me, I've something to show you both, that will probably reset your Coconut Heads!. Come and spend 3O mins with me when I am having crisis...

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine.
Mercy imafidon

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine.

My parents's Love Story ❀️. (Part 1) My Mom was Just 15 years old, When she got Married. She was a young Fashion Designer,she makes cloth, mend dresses and handles everything that has to do with Clothing. My dad on the other hand, was a young engineer, in his mid 20s.. My mom stays In the village with my grandpa( her dad). Her mom had passed away when she was still little.she is the fourth born and she has to take care of her kid brother too. Her older siblings were all in the city, and som...

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love My Valentine.
Mercy imafidon

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love My Valentine.

In this journey of Been a sickle cell warrior, my mom has played a biggg role in it.. I'm a sickle cell anemia warrior and she is my assistant..πŸ˜‚πŸ€Œ There's no anything greater love than the love my mom have for me.πŸ₯Ήβ€οΈ I remember the last Christmas break we spent together.. She made sure I was comfortable with everything.. She would filled my bottle water and keep it besides my bed,πŸ₯ΉEven when it finishes in the mid of the night, she will fill it up again..I don't know how she doe...

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love. my Valentine.
Mercy imafidon

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love. my Valentine.

...Still in the spirit Of Val (love)❀️ During one of my readings, I found out that Love is something you can't fight might win if you do, but you end up getting hurt..πŸ’”πŸ˜€ I learnt of Toxic Love/ Toxic relationship πŸ˜ͺ Nothing drains you faster than a toxic relationship.. The funny part is, you won't know you're in a toxic relationship because your emotions are involve.πŸ˜‘ Everything will feel right to you, because you're in love.. The red flags will become invisible to...

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine.
Mercy imafidon

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine.

#Nircle Gave an opportunity to pin down a letter to my future Spouse, What a pleasure!.πŸ€— Dear Future Partner, First of all, I'll want you to know that I'm a daily Hero..😊A proud one at that! I've been wrestling Sickle anemia for years now, and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon..😀 I hope that doesn't change your mind towards me.πŸ™ There are two sides that makes me up (as shown in the pictures above). I'm very beautiful and as the same time, I am sickle Too!. And yes😊, I'm educat...

Mercy imafidon


Valentine ~Love Finally get to share this love story. This is one of the most beautiful relationship I admire.. I'm very happy that I Orchestrated this Relationship, three years ago Γ nd I am happy they kept the flame burning πŸ₯ΉπŸ™ˆ. The lady is my friend and her boyfriend is an extra friend from heaven to me❀️😍... They've been together for years now πŸ€—πŸ₯Ή, it is always a lovely moment with them.. It's a pity I'm the single One here, but I'm excited to see them love themselves πŸ₯Ή...

Valentine's Day.
Mercy imafidon

Valentine's Day.

.. Valentine ❀️ This is a fun and beautiful day for lovers.. Makes me Wish I had A loverπŸ˜‚πŸ€Œ... I remember last year's valentine, I was In a beautiful relationship (so to say)πŸ˜‚ but unlike others, I had to remind Him that 14th Feb is meant for valentine and that he should send me a valentine message atleast πŸ˜‚πŸ€ŒLuckily for me, I got the valentine message I asked/begged forπŸ€—..I just wanted to feel loved πŸ˜‚.. Never again! The only lover I've right now is actually Myself ☺️ ...

Happy Valentine's day
Mercy imafidon

Happy Valentine's day

A Beautiful Wednesday to celebrate Valentine

Letter to Sickle cell Anemia.
Mercy imafidon

Letter to Sickle cell Anemia.

Subject: A Letter to Sickle Cell Anemia: My Journey, My Strength Dear Sickle Cell Anemia, As I sit down to write this letter, I'm filled with a mix of emotionsβ€”frustration, pain, but also a sense of resilience and determination. You've been a constant presence in my life, shaping my experiences, challenging my resolve, but also teaching me invaluable lessons about strength and perseverance. From the moment I was diagnosed with you, my life took on a new trajectory. I've endured countless ho...

Mercy imafidon


I'm not really a bitter child whatsoever, But atimes I wonder..πŸ€” if I have had any close friends or relative who has Sickle cell anemia, How will I act towards them, or how would I react..? I know I am definitely going to pity them and wish, they weren't like that..but yet again I would gossip them behind doorsπŸ˜©πŸ˜…. .. I'll be like "So Jane has sickle cell anemia? Eeeyya, that fine girl"..or I'll say something like, "she doesn't even look like one, God will help her oo" I would never have...

Mercy imafidon

Act Of Love.

As an SC Warrior, I can't even Turn of my phone or put it on 'DND' for 30Mins, even if i really want to.. It might mean peace or resting time for me, but it's Not so for people close to me...😀 Once they call and I am not reachable, it's not always funny... I can only picture this, as an act of love...❀️

Mercy imafidon


...My sister would always say, "There's no Reward for suffer, in other words.."There's no rewards for those who suffer" (those who chose to suffer themselves).. I always find it funny tho.but it's true.. This year, one person I want to listen to is 'My body'...! If it's can't do anything, I won't force it. If it wants to rest, I'll let it rest.. I really want to live! And I'm sure everyone of us want to live too! I see the smile I put on people's face, I see the love people have for me.. I...

Hey You.
Mercy imafidon

Hey You.

it's been a while here 😀😀.. #helloNircle..miss me? I missed you tooπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜€

online Talk
Mercy imafidon

online Talk

Phew!! Feels good to finally let this out.. My group and I been doing amazing stuffs this year .! All your questions will be answered here! We are the host! Don't look out for my picture πŸ˜‚ I'll be there live 😌.. #healthysicklecellwarrior. #hellonircle

beautiful Darling
Mercy imafidon

beautiful Darling

#NircleFav😁😁😁 #NircleSickleWarrior

Mercy imafidon


Somebody said "No gree for school"!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Okay oo.. Here we go again 😊πŸ₯‚.. Congratulations ❀️ Ama keep on achieving goals until My name becomes "Achiever" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.. YaaaayyπŸŽ‰ #healthysicklecellwarrior #nirclecongratulation

Mercy imafidon

Guide you!

You may be called to make a sacrifice where it pinches, this can also mean making tough decisions.. Whatever it is..I hope you sit, think and make the right decision/sacrifice... It may cause you alot, but if it is worth it, it's worth it.. With all been said, I hope you guide your mental health with everything you can! I hope you care for you body and soul like there's no tomorrow.. You alone knows what it takes to be You, don't jeopardize that .. Pray, Live, Love And Laugh.

Mercy imafidon



Mercy imafidon

show me you took drugs, without showing

show me you took drugs, without showing me you took drugs? #HelloNircle #drug'0Clock

Mercy imafidon


Someone said I Am the warrior Queen πŸ‘‘ of the yearπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.. Okay oπŸ˜‚.. No Sickle cell post today, Just a Girl Enjoying her day... Let's just assume I'm not a warrior today please..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Happy Sunday ❀️ #HappysundayNircle.

Take care of you.
Mercy imafidon

Take care of you.

I hope y'all know that this isn't our wheather. This is a time to fight for our life. Do whatever you can to survive this wheather. Don't agree with it.πŸ˜‚ (no gree for am) Survive! Try and Survive it. Scale through it by all means .. Please Take Care of YOU This is not the time to wear reveling clothes. Drink enough water. Stay hydrated.. If you body doesn't permit It, don't do it. Stay safe and stay healthy. I love you all and I'm rooting for you all ... PS; my left arm did not permit m...

Mercy imafidon


#selfiesaturday #helloNircle

Mercy imafidon

True Love?

"How Do I know it's true love"?πŸ₯Ί ~If it's true love, You won't have To Ask This Question In The First Place~ You'll Know❀️...

Mercy imafidon

Listen To Your Body

Before You Have A Health Break down, Your Body Will Tell You... Listen To It, Give It The Rest It Deserves And Take Care Of It. ❀️

Mercy imafidon


WE LOST A WARRIOR. "Hello, Good morning.. we lost joy this morning" I was fully dressed for class this morning , I sat down for breakfast and opened my WhatsApp, scroll through my messages and got this message (Above statement) from my Sickle cell WhatsApp group. I've really not been active there, hence joy has been helping me out as the second admin. I would just drop message and leave, joy has been the one managing the group for a while,(you will think she's the admin) lol . Saw the messag...

Mercy imafidon

quote of the day

If You Are Healthy, You Are Wealthy!. #QuoteOfTheDay #HelloNircle

Monday motivation
Mercy imafidon

Monday motivation

...My heart sure goes out to everyone who is suffering from any health problem..😩 I understand the state of been okay in a minute and not been okay the next minute..πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘ Whenever I feel pain, I think about others too, expectially the kids who doesn't even know how to Express the pain they feel..πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ I strongly think the real Warriors are The children Who suffer from a health problem..😣 Personally, I find it very difficult to endure the pain. I wonder how they cope... Mos...

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