Mercy imafidon


Mercy imafidon

11 months ago

I was having 8/10 pain Crisis on this day..We were still trying to manage it at home. My sister's friend was around and according to my sister, he (her friend) is AS and so is his girlfriend 🌚
I was rolling and crying on the bed, my sister was running up and down, looking for ways to take me to the hospital.
As a result of the intense pain, I fainted.
I woke up in the hospital and my sister told me that baba (her friend) has been crying and praying for me since I fainted 🤣
I looked at his face and I could Tell that he was not himself 😩😂
Baba was having his own crisis 😂😂.
After all that, I learnt from my sister that he broke up with his girlfriend!
Apparently AS+AS Love disappeared from his eyes and reality dawned on him.

Experience Is Indeed The Best Teacher!

11 months ago

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