Mercy imafidon@mercyimafidon481535
11 months ago
...My sister would always say,
"There's no Reward for suffer, in other words.."There's no rewards for those who suffer"
(those who chose to suffer themselves)..
I always find it funny tho.but it's true..
This year, one person I want to listen to is 'My body'...!
If it's can't do anything, I won't force it.
If it wants to rest, I'll let it rest..
I really want to live!
And I'm sure everyone of us want to live too!
I see the smile I put on people's face, I see the love people have for me..
I see the hopes and all..
I want to live..
In other to live, I'll listen..
I'll pay attention to My body..
That's the only way to stay healthy...
~Pray ~. (hope you know prayer keeps u healthy and alive too!)
Eat Right!
Drink lots of water 😌
Eat good foooddd🥹🥰
Try out new meals😊
Keep healthy relationships too!..