favour adefehinti


favour adefehinti

10 months ago

#poetry# _RULES____
It hits differently when you are born with the rules
It's so hard
Almost like torture
Even when you think it is alright to break the rules
There's still that guilty conscience
Of you knowing what is right and doing what is wrong
There is still that fear of the consequences after
The fear of the punishment being greater than those who don't know the rules
Then you think
Had it not been better for you not to know the rules
Had it not been better for you not to be born with the rules
Then you would have live differently and freely like those who are not under rules
It will be more better to not know the rules right from the start
But slowly integrate into it like some of the people without rules do
But then in the end
There's always a substantial reason
Why you were born with rules and others were not
It doesn't makes you different
It only makes you special


10 months ago

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