Humulkhair Abdulmumeen@humulkhairabdulmumeen310410
25 days ago
I hope to wake from my dreams
as my eyes have witnessed some
buried memories of a where
The sight of gliding birds in the air
with light h wings as they soar
higher in the sky depicting
the essence of freedom
The sight of men sitting under shades
playing games and laughing like nothing
matters in games
The sight of women holding
onto their toddlers with their wrappers
and dancing to the folk music
The sight of children running
after little flies and domestic birds
with bare feet
The sight of children sitting round
the fireworks to listen to stories
and tales at night
Suddenly, the sun sets, and it all
went dark and blank
The sight of men is now filled
with seats of those who take
games for gambling as a means
of survival and livelihood
The sight of women in their
various home is replaced with
the mothers who give their toddlers
to strangers to care for
Rendering the sight of children who
plays innocently around exploring
the beauty of nature vacant.
Now the land weeps as once-experienced
memories are no longer cherished and it
all start to fade.
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