rukayya Adamu
Member Since: 1 year ago

Naija my people
#poetry Naija my people see as we dey biet our fingers eh be like say hunger want over take our country But the trail comes in torrent with droplet of painful stanzas #hello nircle may the wealthy hands not over look the droplet tears of the empty hands A man with destiny who is creative and hardworking Into farming and hustling sheybe for North land jakpa Omoh we go dey digger am with farming We will keep on pushing for a better tomorrow Our leaders should puff and put o...

day's are day's
#poetry Today is a very special day I will have fun with my family and friends Because it's a special day sometimes life give us out the copy of what we want I wish to have a wine yard Just to pop out some cool apple wine with my family and friends on a special day like today #nircle poetry #Friday vibes

self love
I no I am awesome you can't spell awesome without me I look pretty with out makeup I am not beautiful like you I am beautiful like me I am nicer when i look at my out fit life is not about funding your self it's all about creating your self happiness life is like a mirror we get the best result when we smiled at it purity perseverance are two powerful tool's to success and above all is love ❤️ #nirclepoetry #hello nircle #Saturday vibes

No gain without pain
#poetry There's no gain without pain I learnt that the harder I work the more lucky its seems to be Life knows no failure failure exsit from those who always try to compete themselves with others #nircle poetry #Saturday vibes

#poetry The most attractive accessory a girl can have is confidence life isn't boaring if you apply knowledge on it the mirrow gives you out the copy of you . Dressing is a way of life life is like a party always have fun through simplicity comes great beauty the joy of looking good is an art. #hello nircle

I couldn't wait for the return of the bird
#poetry I couldn't wait for the return of the bird The sound of carit tells me it's a brighter day I counted day's weeks months up to a year but yet your silence wasn't broken My heart is heavy with a reflect of today and yesterday yesterday was full of memories I could remember sitting pretty in a garden taken some cool apple wine in a garden and too many birds wangle around Don't forget to tell them how ...

A young leady with mercy.
#poetry A young leady becomes a woman with vision, strong women rule the world strong women concour the world strong is beautiful, my choices are like my finger print and they are very unique.i love moon light and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul, it's that heart of gold and a heart stand soul that makes me more beautiful and classic,I am magic and will not apologise for the fire in me. #niclestories # poetry# African unveiled.

I know I am a black skin person .
#poetry black and white tells me about the past, the colour brown is in me it's not just an attitude ! days back in school my childhood friends call me the brownish.who so ever that follow his parents shall never work in darkness but so also in the blossom of light and happiness , Google and waggle no one has ever become poor in given .

life knows no failure.
QuoteoftheDay when u try to roll someone else across the river you get there your self.