I couldn't wait for the return of the bird
rukayya Adamu

I couldn't wait for the return of the bird

rukayya Adamu

1 year ago

#poetry I couldn't wait for the return of the bird The sound of carit tells me it's a brighter day I counted day's weeks months up to a year but yet your silence wasn't broken

My heart is heavy with a reflect of today and yesterday
yesterday was full of memories
I could remember sitting pretty in a garden taken some cool apple wine in a garden and too many birds wangle around

Don't forget to tell them how many times I have walk into your life just to save you from darkness. Tell them that I am that single rock that keep standing

I could not keep a blind eye on you even t
hough on a rainy day. music is cool drama is good but poet is so perfect
oh my God I love poet!

1 year ago

Francis Ewanworie

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Francis Ewanworie @francisewanworie305293
Nicely written
1 year ago

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morgan omotayo @omotayomorgan
Francis, I agree, this is beautifully written.
1 year ago