Ebitimi pagabo Matthew
Member Since: 1 year ago

naija slangs
shege the act of something bad or unexpected happening too a person, used going a time of trouble among Nigerian youths coined during the 2020s

Africas's true beauty
Africa surrounded by the beauty of her waves Africa beauty undiscovered Africas beauty untapped Africa undisclosed Africa beauty unclaimed by the ages time Africas's beauty flourishing even through the difficulty of time #WatersofAfrica #AfricaJoyUnbound #Photography #poetry

About my blog
my blog is about entertainment and lifestyle, different topics ranging from fashion, beauty, entertainment, travelling etc #NircleCreativeDiscovery

my blog
my first blog just wanted too thank nircle on this opportunity too express my creativity in my own special way #ReadMyNircleBlog #MyFirstNircleBlog

a day too never forget
One of my best Christmas experience was of two years ago when my youngest son named the chicken meant for the Christmas meal. He adored it and cried when we had too kill it he was so heartbroken but ate it because he didn't know it was him. I will never forget such a day #XmasonNircle #Giveaway

Rewinding Time
Ludo was a fun game when I was younger I enjoyed playing it with my children. It was the only game I could beat them at Besides whot, it's was a game I used for bonding with my children and spending quality times together #forumgame #ludogame

CeraVe review
CeraVe moisturising Lotion is my top moisturizer and one of my favourite products too use on my Facebook. it's fantastic, it's a product used in my face routine morning and night, I got it at Venus Aesthetics in Asokoro, I have suffer from dark spots and pimples. it's a bit expensive just this lotion cost me 18k talk more of the soap just too reduce the price Yes and no, yes because it's a fantastic product and no because of the price 18k isn't what most people would spend on lotion and most...