Jatau Lumumba


Jatau Lumumba

2 months ago

A burden borne, a heart that aches
The weight of want, a soul that breaks
A yearning deep, a longing true
A desire that gnaws, and forever pursues.

It presses down, like a physical force
A constant reminder, of life's elusive course
A nagging voice that whispers low
"more, more, more," as the heart does know.

In the darkest night, it whispers sweet
promises of fulfilment, a future to greet
But dawn's cold light, reveals the lie
leaving only emptiness, and a hollow sigh.

Yet still we strive, still we pursue
The elusive dream, the fleeting clue
Though the weight of want may press us down
Still, we rise and wear the frown.

For in the end, it's not what we gain
But the love we give, the hearts we sustain
That lifts the weight and sets us free
From the burden of want, and its misery.
#poetrychapbook #mynirclefeeds #storyteller #Hellonircle #nirclestories #poetry #officialnircle
®Lumumba Jatau

2 months ago

Lazarus  Nenchin Kehinde Margret Makinde Steven  Godswill Patrick Sampson Chinedu morgan omotayo abass mohammed

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Kehinde Margret Makinde @kehindemargretmakinde
The details of your poem hits deep like roots penetrating the soil. Well done poet.
2 months ago

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Jatau Lumumba @lumumbajatau995415
My fellow poet, thank you, Ma.
2 months ago
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Patrick Sampson Chinedu @sampsonchinedupatrick184504
2 months ago

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morgan omotayo @omotayomorgan
This is so moving and beautifully written. The way you capture the relentless pull of desire, how it weighs us down yet keeps us striving—it feels so real. The lines about "dawn's cold light revealing the lie" really hit hard, but the ending is such a powerful reminder that love and connection are what truly matter. It’s a bittersweet reflection that so many of us can relate to. Thank you for sharing this—your words are both heavy and freeing at the same time.
2 months ago

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Jatau Lumumba @lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago