"War Amongst Whisphers"
Bornfaith Godstime@bornfaithgodstime910173
1 year ago
Walking on the night of a bleak Friday,
I could see a lass held by hands
by the whispers of death.
Death had taken over her soul,
Her soul was dark as coals.
She pondered on the suicidal thoughts given to her by depression,
She conversed with depression and had seen herself hunged by the rope of death.
I approached her with the whispers of Life
I'd known where there ain't Life, there's death.
I said Hey! Lass
Tis the devil, he came to steal, kill and destroy,
Christ came to give you life.
Those words echoed in her heart
Resounding like she ain't heard them before
They'd been printed and stored in her soul
She'd remember the word of God, the price Christ paid on the cross, and how He saved her.
Life took grip of her soul and death was gone, gone like gone so soon.
Her gloomy countenance was gone, she wore
the face of joy.
Christ is Life, give your heart to Him today and experience Life in abundance, with zero rate of death.
I am Poetified Ogechi