Abby Saila@sailaabby718822
18 days ago
The bowels of Mercy yearns to be unveiled, in a world where Truth as a commodity is not a currency paid on cheap thrills. Where Leadership is NOT in the league of corruption. The souls of Hope which cried yesteryears went to sleep on pallets of subjugation and dreams unfulfilled.
Dear African Youths, when will the flames that were kindled Blaze? When will the Zeal for action take shape? Leaving matters to “the government” demand permanent respite.
Where is that toughness that made you giant among the sons of men? For a while you fell asleep, gone astray, pulling the yoke of uncertainty like a deluded drunk. You left your watch tower swaggering to the tune of “a better tomorrow” by those whose very existence is hinged on a shaky foundation.
A beautiful pasture you were, admired; a source of motivation for many until you gave way for your cistern to be filled with drudgery, a base for mundanity. You gave up the crown and wore the chains, settling for less than the perfect manifestation of the excellent You.
You are the Lion.
Fierce. Flint-like Focus. Full of Courage.
To share is not to sleep, to admire is not to condescend so why have you left the the path staggering to sights unseen like a mishappen sailor lured by ancient siren’s song. The blood of heroes who refused to conform beat within your veins.
Lurking at the sidelines so as not to attract inconvenience is living beneath your call. The world awaits!
The city set on a hill sending out beams of Luminescence, the Torch that throws in the light you are. Dig deep. Find that You. The You that makes tepidity sister to timidity loathsome.
Selling yourself short, staying in obscurity is not for you whose deeds were spoken of in time past. You are a Leader.
Dear African Youths, dig deep. Fan the Embers of a dormant, almost-quenched Vision.
You are the Eagle – your sight trained on the invisible, taking giant steps to produce your Vision. Dream big! Your future is pregnant and awaits the push command. You have done Audacious and Laudable works in the past for which banners of commendation are waved in salute constantly.
However, there’s more to be done Oh Daring Youths. The people expects. The elected leaders anticipate the product of your tenacity. The lives that bled yesterday on the road to Freedom are watching to see if their Sacrifices of a greater future was worth it. The younger Gen are watching, learning for they desire to follow the clear footprint of a big brother/sister.
Dear African Youths, we are counting on you so win! Win for the future. Win for life! But most of all, win because as a leader you are our Trailblazer.
Photocredit: OkayAfrica on IG
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