Mmachukwu  Joy

Untangle Africa's Chains. Playing My Part

Mmachukwu Joy

6 months ago


Africa is the land of my ancestors and the land of my birth.
How would I have known how much commitment I owe you when the road to knowledge was constantly impaired.

It is difficult to find pathways amidst constant threats and without proper guide but I have found mine. It is a road to total commitment and loyalty to the land of my birth.

Africa is a blessed land with good topography and favourable climatic conditions
She is rich in mineral resources, allow me to call her the Eden garden.

I eulogize you today because you are a survivor.
Your topography and climate was favourable so the reapers tried man made alterations

Your virgin land is fertile and productive so they abused it to no end.
Oil bunkering and theft, oil spillages and factory waste mismanagement are mere excuses to cause grave economic, social, environmental and security hazards to your land and seas

My brothers Nnamdi Azikiwe, Herbert Macaulay, Obafemi Awolowo, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Jomo Kenyata of Kenya, Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt and many more resisted their brandishing swords with a shout of freedom

You are a survivor and I celebrate your freedom from the tyranny of apartheid and grip of colonialism.
Where they saw weakness, you showed them a proof of strength
Where they thought you feeble you showed a proof of health and against poverty you showed a proof of wealth.

I celebrate the beautiful land of the blacks
I celebrate the green land of the blacks.
Happy survival Africa.


6 months ago

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