The Reign Of Euthanasia (A Eugenics Plot)
Abby Saila@sailaabby718822
1 month ago
Mourners trudge in death’s dance
Church bell, a distant tune
Anguish, maps of horror
On faces gone white
Like in Hitler’s day.
Why sleep ye, o’ elect?
Watchers of light, why slumber?
It is nigh time for justice
And thrones of leadership
Mimic the silent grave
‘Cos truth is turned away.
Creation groans as another
Son of man is laid to rest!
Photocredit: Protolifemedia
#Poetry #Storyteller #SayNoToMAID #RefuseToBeEuthanized #ScientificRacism #Nircle #Creative #NircleStories #MyNircleFeeds #Poet #NircleFeeds #HelloNircle #BeUnique