Kehinde Margret Makinde

The Core Fact

Kehinde Margret Makinde

2 months ago

Your thoughts touched a chord in me.

As human beings we individually or collaboratively walk different parts to fulfill the unique fragments in one single purpose. Some of us are just beginning to take life one step at a time, others are tirelessly fixing the world, some are busy holding hearts together, and others are ensuring no one loses their mind. Many dedicate their lives to research and Innovation, in bid to make this earth better for all. Yet, the Bible reminds us in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 that if our actions are not rooted in love, they are nothing but empty noises.

The world itself was spoken into existence from love— “Let there be.” It is a perpetual call for us to let Love be the compass, core, and coach, so that all created, being created, and yet to be created reflect the Foundation of Life itself: Love. This is when the future can be buoyant enough to give us the protection and meaning we yearn for.

2 months ago

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