Humulkhair Abdulmumeen@humulkhairabdulmumeen310410
26 days ago
In the silence, I could hear
In the darkness, I could sight
While mute, I could speak
The echoes of words in my ears
The spark of lightning shining in my eyes
The mumbles of words clear enough to be heard
The words of,
Not to borrow so that I would not sorrow
To engage in the right actions
To take risks
To believe in a better tomorrow
To endure even when the clock ticks
Now it is to my sight, a spark of lightning
Which I held onto for contentment
Which lightens a path of adjustment
Which shapes the mind for adventure
Which brightens the mind for Hope
Which gladdens heart for patience
Here I could speak clearly
Of rewards of contentment
Of effects of procrastinating
To exposure to new things
Of goodness in fulfilled expectations
Of the greatness of endurance
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