Jatau Lumumba


Jatau Lumumba

3 months ago


A contentious argument
broke out between,
A layman and a professor.
The professor deeply disgusted
looked at the layman with
Bulgy eyes peeking above
the rim of his froggy goggles.
"You ignoramus fool,
have no authority to call
English! A silly language
how dare you?"
He phonetically scolded
and adjusted the goggles
resting on his snouty nose

"Sorry, Prof."
The layman pleaded,
"I just thought..."
"Thought what?"
The professor rudely queried,
"You don't get to think boy,
You're in no such honourable
Position to be thinking."
He adjusts the goggles again
Sucked his tainted dry lips,
"Look at this miscreant,
A commoner with nerves
Uttering dirt on the most
revered language in the cosmos."

The layman snickered,
"I beg your pardon, Prof,
but for starters.
The word 'discharge'
A patient discharged
from a hospital.
Isn't the same word
used in the court of law
To render a suspect free?
Or is it the word flammable
And in flammable
are they not both words
of the same meaning?
I find that silly Professor."

"Don't you call it silly."
The Professor fumed.
"But it is silly Professor,
why should they say
the singular words
that ends with 'f'
The plural form
Should take out
the 'f' and replace
with 'ves'.
Like thief_thieves
And wife_wives.
Then turn around to say
And chef_chefs
What happened to the
'VES' in the plural form
Isn't that silly Professor?

#Nirclepoetry #Nirclestories #Nirclehumour
Lumumba SixthSenze Jatau®

3 months ago

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