Andrew Isaac


Andrew Isaac

1 month ago


We sleep on you as if we never knew
Everyday in those same practice.
Life is one Odyssey

Beings will revolt one another
Mockery from the shadow of your sights
Well wishers drunk in appeal comfort.

Arbitration of one's actions
The sphere is filled with them
Good, bad and ugly.

Protagonist and antagonist
I see Fighters, others ain't
Some lucky, others ain't.

Law makers above the law
Life is like a cafeteria
Even at the hour of adversity.

Ridicule, detest, hatred, envy, selfish, murder, robbery, pride.
Yes, they will.

Celebration, love, empathy, triumph, bield, confort, enrichment of another.
Precisely a way of living.

So, why would that even end up as a surprise?
Colliding in a quest of vanity
Bitter hearts with unforgivable soul.

Heart of fantasy in forgiving might.
Folks will be weak
Folks will be strong.

Husbands against Wifes
Wifes against husbands
Sometimes family ain't biological.

Is the way of life as you lay ever way.
Why not be ready for any storm?
Now you can give a kiss before you demise
Life is a test, a quest in the universe.


1 month ago

Jatau Lumumba abass mohammed

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