Paint Me a Line of Hope
Kehinde Margret Makinde

Paint Me a Line of Hope

Kehinde Margret Makinde

2 months ago

Paint Me a Line of hope,
where quantum rays of the first dozen tick,
setting a tune for others to pick—
surrounded by the mysticism of light and particles,
folding wonder into earth’s breath,
its air, its fluid, its flip sides,
floating in the fluffy meanings of messages.

Colours rise in tones of cognitive concaves and convexes,
their style a foxtrot of scents and shadow,
glories of giving visual perception from bouncing lux,
each word fragmented to bridge more,
while time, white as itself, black as itself,
shifts through other visual perception of it's infinite selves,
branching in symmetrical awe, to and fro,
holding me in the medicmerith of mazes—
healing me in the fold of tides,
in the flowing wonder of all that becomes.

Image by: SciTechDaily
Image Name: The Quantum Boomerang: Light’s New Twisting Tale

#poetry #hooe

2 months ago

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