Sunday Prosper Uforo


Sunday Prosper Uforo

11 months ago

What is life without having good health?;Good health they say is your wealth..
This is me writing from my sick bed,trying to phantom a world without sickness,a world free of diseases,a world where living healthy and staying healthy is the mandate for every soul.
But then right there in my thinking,I thought about the experts who might have gone through stress to learn about some certain cure for humanity. I'm here on my sick bed praying for good health but the physicians are also praying for this sickness so they can have more things to experiment upon..Now my question is "Which of the prayers will the Supreme Being accept?"
Health is expensive but then,those with all the money in the world still can't afford to keep there's. Money itself is "ASHAMED" - Money can't brag about being responsible for the good health most people have. Money can't give one this good health..but this is all what we've been working hard to get all our life "MONEY". another question (What will man then work for to Guarantee this good Health)?.
My advice to everyone, whatever you do, wherever you are,remember "Your Health Is Your Wealth"

11 months ago

Sunday Prosper Uforo

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