Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine
Agbinya Mario Gabriel@agbinyamariogabriel183767
1 year ago
Untold Love
In the shadows of the night,
Where secrets are held tight,
Lies a love so pure and true,
Hidden from the world's view.
Whispers of the heart,
Longing to depart,
From the silence of the unknown,
To be finally shown.
But fear and doubt linger,
Like a haunting specter,
Keeping lovers apart,
In the depths of our heart.
Yet still we yearn,
For the love we burn,
To be free from the chains,
And break free from the reins.
One day, our story will be told,
Our love will unfold,
For nothing can keep us apart,
Not even the shadows of the heart.