Missing you comes with a lot of waves tonight I'm drowning.
Immaculate Chineye

Missing you comes with a lot of waves tonight I'm drowning.

Immaculate Chineye

8 months ago


I am lost staring at that empty space where you used to be,
Everything seem to be a reminder of your absence to me,
Your laughter,smiles and screams echoes softly through the pouring rain,
Swiftly I came out in search of your presence but find echoes and empty spaces.

Silence reigns;a cruel a bitter sting,
Your voice seem lost to the night;Your presence vanish from sights,
having the room cold and the air feeling thin;
makes your presence echoe a deafening fate

I try to search for solace in the memories we share,
but the emptiness lingers like an unfaded shadow,
Each passing moment comes with a mournful, hollow ring,
and a longing for you;a constant remain.

With a heart full of ache,I chose to wait until you decide to come back home,
I'll hold unto those exciting memories,
but worry and curiosity hold me captive with a cruel and silent plea,
For the return of you and a end to this misery.

8 months ago

Emmanuel Job Doose Ieeveh Chalya Goli Deborah Lukman

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