Let Merry for This New Knowledge
Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold@bethelgoldayodele308287
1 month ago
I will be explaining how to make my herbal hibiscus [zobo] tea/drink.
First, you make sure you have enough to make at home, or you get to the market to buy the zobo leaves. In Nigeria, say you want to buy zobo leaves so they understand you.
After that, go through the following process:
Rinse the leaves in water because of sand settlement
Then pour into a pot and add water [not to the brim but enough to boil it]
If you like, you can add the back of pineapple that is washed properly and lemon/lime for extra natural flavour.
Put on the stove and allow to boil for like twenty minutes.
After that, let it cool or you can sieve the portion you want to take at that time then take hot, warm or cold [based on your preference]
I hope you can try the method of making this zobo tea, and if you did give it a try, I will love to know how you think about it and if it’s good.
Photo Credit: ProVeg International - .org%2Fng%2Frecipes%2Fzobo-drink%2F&psig=AOvVaw3vRcUFAt2D8rsP7UJ2ffdr&ust=1733337094753000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCJiFxIGejIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
Thanks for reading and see you in the next post ;)
1 month ago
1 month ago