Jatau Lumumba


Jatau Lumumba

2 months ago

I the Judge of justice who is to render the law plausible
Collects bribes from plaintiff and honor the corruptible

I the pastor say give and you will receive yet don't pay my tithe
I say turn the other cheek if attacked, I don't forgive a fight.

I the officer of the law who put culprit behind bars for stealing
I have killed a man and took away his money from drug dealing

I the choir master who sings , let's live in peace and alcohol free
I menace the society, disturbing the neighborhood when I smoke tree

I the artisan whom shop sign read, Loyalty is my reward
I execute not the job, take money then walk away like a coward

I the stewart who talks about what duties I will discharge
Never attains to any chores when master travels to lodge

I the person who is breathing let's set the record straight
If am doing the Opposite of what my beliefs Stands for

Am a Hypocrite!

#citizenjournalism #nirclestories

2 months ago

Kehinde Margret Makinde

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