Fire on the Mountain, By Chelsea Nahai Awang
Chelsea Nahai Awang

Fire on the Mountain, By Chelsea Nahai Awang

Chelsea Nahai Awang

3 months ago

Ours was a game of fire
A song we cried:
"fire on the mountain"
A mountain two dozen kids strong
Seated along a circle as wide as 'your mother's cooking pot'
There was a rumbling of the earth
The rising dust fueled our flame
Run run run!
pounding feet mixed in us fear and fun
Stirring a youthful heartbeat
behind the ear. There where
The child's only desire is
To wield a fictional fire.
It took only a tap on the back
The soundless drop of stick to floor
The culprits betrayal with a giggle
and with a huff, I was off
To find myself a new victim, a new 'it'
a new child to run the round about mountain race.
The children shout,
"There is fire on the mountain
A big, big fire"
"The fire is out!"

3 months ago

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