Lazarus  Nenchin


Lazarus Nenchin

2 months ago

There is no humility, there is only degrees of pride and attitudes behind them.Even the most marest act of humility, is a thing of pride to the humble. For an uncomfortable humility is something to rebel against even to the humblest of Men, because there's no Man who's psychologically well that is comfortable with discomfort, not even God Himself.

The proud are foolish because they take pride in their vanity
The humble are Wise because they take pride in their simplicity.

But, "Look, What My Proud Humility Does" Isn't that taking pride in One's Humility?

Everything Is Perception And No One Can Act Outside The Dictates Of His Own Knowledge, And It Is Knowledge That Creates One's Perception

So, What Do You Know?

Ra Lazara

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2 months ago

Miss Teensy Owusu Ansah Emmanuel abass mohammed

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