Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago
In the depths of time, my moments entwine,
with eternity's whispers, an echo divine
A resonance that reverberates, beyond life's fleeting breath,
A harmony that echoes, in the chambers of death.
The memories we crafted, the love we chose to share,
The laughter, tears, and moments beyond compare,
All echo through eternity, a symphony sublime
A celestial music, that transcends the boundaries of time.
In this grand tapestry, my moments are a thread,
interwoven with yours, in the intricate web of life unsaid.
Together, our echoes resonate, a chorus of the heart,
A testament to love, that never departs.
So let us cherish every moment, every breath we take,
For in eternity's echoes, our love will forever make.
®Lumumba Jatau