Mutahi Regine

End Femicide! Women are not lesser people.

Mutahi Regine

1 month ago

Cara: I'm thinking of asking him out for coffee.
Amara: Why are you the one asking him out for coffee?
Cara: Who would you prefer asks him out?
Amara: I mean, he's the man.
Cara: Of course he's a man. I'm asking him for coffee not to a boxing ring.
Amara: I'm asking, why you are asking him out.
Cara: Oh! That. I can think of several reasons but, I will go with the most convincing one.
Amara: Please, do tell.
Cara: He has a beautiful voice.
Amara: I can bet there's quite a large number of men with beautiful voices. Some might be serial killers, violent, narcissistic, con-artists, should I go on?
Cara: Don't you think a coffee date is a good start to know if he's any of those things?
Amara: Just a beautiful voice? You can sit in the house and watch Idris Elba all day. He has the voice and the looks as a bonus.
Cara: Idris is all that but he's also married. And even if he wasn't, clearly, he would live over a thousand years before he knows I exist. Also, why do you think my potential date has no looks to go with the voice?
Amara: I assume you would have started with the looks before you got to the voice.
Cara: I would have, but looks are too obvious. You see him today in the streets and you will think, "Oh, that's an absolutely gorgeous man." See, I said gorgeous and he's but in the most manly form possible. You will see him and you will go on with your business, but his face will subconsciously linger for a few days after. His voice, that's what will come as a surprise. You know why? Because you will think, "A gorgeous face, he can't possibly have anything else to show off." Then boom, the most beautiful voice ever.
Amara: I think you have a huge crush on this guy. Does he know you exist or he's just another Idris?
Cara: Well, I think so. But what's a better way to make sure he does than to ask him out? Men are rarely asked out regardless of how good they look.
Amara: How are you planning to ask him out?
Cara: Aah! Glad to see you're coming around.
Amara: I just don't want you to make a fool of yourself.
Cara: Why? You think he will turn me down?
Amara: No, he would be a big fool to. I'm just saying you dont know him that well. You need a plan.
Cara: Other than have the coffee in a public place, share his and venue details with you, and sneak you a text every hour during the date?
Amara: I know you can handle it. If anyone can pull this off is you. You just need to be more careful. You have seen the rising femicide statistics.
Cara: Oh gosh, yes, that's not only sad but scary.
Amara: You need more details about this guy.
Cara: I know some more. I know where he works. I know two of his names, and he looks so much like his first name.
Amara: What do you mean?
Cara: I mean, if he was standing with five other guys and you had a list with six names on it, your eyes would go straight to him when you get to his name. I don't think I'm making any sense, but I think I'm trying to say I hope he's not married or in some serious shenanigan.
Amara: Wait, you don't know if he's married?
Cara: How should I know?
Amara: Maybe ask him that before you ask him out.
Cara: Do I have to?
Amara: Really? You need to know. Or would you rather know on your third date.
Cara: Okay, okay. I will ask, though I don't know how.
Amara: There's no way you know how to ask a man out but not the most important questions. Unless you don't want to ask.
Cara: Jeez! Enough of the lecture. I will ask. I promise. I will ask tonight.
Amara: Good. Let me know how that goes. Also, let me know the guy you're talking to. Send me his picture and details. Let's look him up to see what he's got on his socials. Better safe than sorry.
Cara: I get you. I totally do. Check your WhatsApp I have sent everything I know about him. Please look him up for me.
Amara: Women aren't to blame for femicide. But the society is rotten enough not to be extra careful.
Cara: You're absolutely right. Men who harm women are criminals, they deserve to be uprooted from the society. Women should feel safe in their homes, on the street, on dates, and at work. Women are not lesser people.
Amara: #Endfemicideke
Cara: #Endfemicideke

1 month ago

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