EMBRACE THE UPS AND DOWNS (The sweet and sad tales of life)
Ike Miriam@miriamike208612
2 months ago
I weep in the rain, and I dance in the sun,
Life, they say, is a journey to success,
But does that success ever truly arrive?
And is the path ever really easy?
Tears slip from my eyes like diamonds, precious and raw,
Priceless because they flow from the deepest parts of me.
I fear their weight, their value, and so I hide them in the rain.
Some days, I feel the warmth of achievement wash over me,
The brightness is too strong to contain,
So I beam like the sun, radiating joy,
And in those moments, I dance.
Two sides of me, like a coin, and like day and night,
Together they create the rhythm of life.
Just as a ballerina stretches beyond her limits,
Life pulls us, bends us, breaks us,
But in that breaking, we grow, we stretch, we find grace.
My canvas of life, blank, uncertain...
Does not know whether it will end in colour or grey.
But each stroke, whether born from pain or joy,
Shapes the masterpiece that is me.
So I weep in the rain, and I dance in the sun.
This is life.