Favour Samuel


Favour Samuel

1 day ago

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that can offer many health benefits. Scientifically known as 𝘈𝘭𝘰𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴.⁣


The main health benefits of aloe vera are:

1. Stimulate hair growth
Aloe vera contains enzymes that help to remove dead skin cells from the scalp. It is also a great natural moisturization and can provide minerals to strengthen hair fibers. This allows for hair to grow faster and stronger.

2. Eliminate dandruff
Dandruff is made up of dead skin cells, and aloe vera contains enzymes that can break up these plaques.

3. Prevent hair loss
Aloe vera helps with collagen production, and can therefore anchor hair strands into the scalp more effectively to prevent losses. This medicinal plant also contains minerals and water, which can strengthen hair strands and make it more resistant to breaks. Learn more about what causes hair loss and what to do.

4. Remove make-up
Aloe vera can be used to remove makeup from your face, as it does not contain chemical substances. It can also promote skin hydration and relieve irritation caused by chemicals in make-up products.

5. Manage wrinkles
Aloe vera stimulates collagen production in the skin, which is important for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. When used regularly, aloe vera can reduce wrinkles and the appearance of facial lines.

6. Exfoliate the skin
Aloe vera can be used as a base for an exfoliator. In addition to hydrating the skin, it can provide oxygen, which is important for the deepest layers of the skin.

7. Relieve skin irritation
Applying aloe vera on the skin quickly relieves itching and burning from prolonged sun exposure. This plant can also be used to treat psoriasis, dermatitis, and oral mucositis. It can also be indicated to relieve nippled that are cracked from breastfeeding, as well as regenerate skin and reduce inflammation.

8. Combat infections
Aloe vera applied to the skin in cream or gel form can help to heal wounds faster. This can prevent the development of infections, as it is rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidant compounds with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

9. Prevent cavities
Aloe vera can be used as a mouthwash to reduce bacterial plaques that form on teeth. These plaques are the main cause of cavities, tartar and gingivitis. Aloe vera mouthwash can also help to relieve oral wounds, canker sores and tongue burns.

10. Relieve constipation
Aloe vera contains aloin and barbaloin, which are substances present in the outer leaf. They contain laxative properties and increase the amount of fluid in the intestines. This can help to stimulate bowel movements and make stool elimination easier.

11. Remove make-up
Aloe vera can be used to remove make-up as it contains no chemical substances, moisturizes the skin and relieves irritation caused by the substances present in make-up.

12. Lighten the skin
Aloe vera contains aloin and aloesin, substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. It can reduce or prevent pigmentation, helping to lighten the skin naturally, which is why it is a good home remedy for dark spots or melasma.


Topical use of aloe vera and oral use is considered to be safe and not associated with side effects. However, excessive intake and doses can cause cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, hypothermia and weakness.

Long-term use of aloe vera supplements can also lead to liver problems.


Aloe vera is not suitable for people with allergies to aloe or any other plant in the Xanthorrhoeaceae family.

Aloe vera is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under the age of 12, people with diarrhea, liver problems, intestinal obstructions or stenosis, atony (lack of normal muscle movement), appendicitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, unexplained stomach pain or severe dehydration.

People with diabetes or who are taking medication or other medicinal plants should always consult a doctor before taking aloe vera. This is because aloe can alter the action of some medicines.

Cc: Tua Saúde


1 day ago

esther princess matthew

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esther princess matthew @estherprincessmatthew739838
it's one of the key ingredients in my hair cream
22 hours ago