Mike Idowu@mikeidowu596729
7 months ago
A man’s thinking could be Un-coverable;
Deceiving himself that he’s covered and not Touchable;
All in the name of being proud- called an Amiable;
But when you’d check his background, you will see the him before and him now has a clear Resemblance;
No Doubt….
There is no need for the Sonnets;
Writing words inscribed, so sweet like the Hornets;
But, they are adamant with their words as a Bonnet;
Don’t forget their words fell in the hearts of people like an open Net;
No Doubt….
Geology to Geology;
From Humanity to Humanity;
Radically Reducing Racism from Reality;
Bringing Morality by giving Modality to Captivity;
No Doubt….
Change has been INEVITABLE;
#Wednesdaywiadom. #Writerswednesday
#Wednesdaywords. #Writtingwednesday
#Creativewedneaday. #Poetrywednesday
#Wednesdaythoughts. #Wednesdaywrites