Building bridges is about more than just connecting two points. It's about creating a space for understanding, empathy, and collaboration.
Immaculate Chineye

Building bridges is about more than just connecting two points. It's about creating a space for understanding, empathy, and collaboration.

Immaculate Chineye

8 months ago


Not everyone is worth that title,
with that infectious smile that brings misfortune,
you just need enough strength to fight this battle,
the right one will surely turn out to be a fortune.

There's no worst betrayal than theirs,
how deep it hurts; try to avoid a second time,
always remain unpredictable no matter the tears;
avoid being the one committing the crime.

With hope for a greater chance;refuse to be done,
Increase your pace;leaving the Judas shocked,
your reaction matters;never behave like a clown,
Let go completely; forget those times you were mocked.

Smile bright;deciding never to make such mistake;
you never can tell,your future might be at stack.

8 months ago

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