N Kaya


N Kaya

1 month ago

In the dark of the night,
I sat in the quietness.
Reminiscing about the unending pains.
Drowning in the pains, that held me hostage like a criminal.

Everyday feels no different,
The pain taking no new turn,
but the ache always on the drive.

In a void,
where I am all alone.
When I look around I see the happy souls
parading like the own the earth.
then why can't I be so?

Feeling every bit of happiness that's spread.
Filling the dark with the light.

It all feels painful,
as my soul cracks bit by bit.
Shattering right inside the void going to the unknown.
Does it really hurt this much?
or am I over thinking?

Life throws much at me,
but, I believe I can take it.
For they say, pain doesn't last long.
for the sunrise certainly hits the sky,
brighten up each part of the sky, decorating it in a magical way.
And that light will certainly come into my darkness, outshining it, in the most magical way ever.

1 month ago

N Kaya abass mohammed

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