DM CHIDIEBERE@michaelchidieberedavid863694
4 months ago
Nonso noticed, he smiled at anything and everything said,
JOSH: guy are you okay? You have been nodding your head to everything I said, since you came in
JOSH: how did you escape those cult boys ?
NONSO: which cult boys? Oh everywhere seems calm and I saw about two police patrol vans
JOSH: so were you able to erase your wrong data at the DBA's office?
NONSO: guy I don't know, after so much stress I just submitted to Mrs Jane. Then went out to check if I could see her
JOSH: see who?
NONSO: ehh? Nobody. Nevermind
So Nonso laid down going through thoughts of those amazing moments he had with the random girl. (Nonso said to himself) But wait a sec, I didn't get her name. I don't even know which department to go find her. What a shy idiot I was? With over twenty thousand students on this campus, how can I locate her again? He moved his head sideways in disagreement
A few days later, Nonso met with Shade his course rep at the canteen
NONSO: hey Shade, sorry I haven't been able to catch up with you concerning what we spoke about on phone
SHADE: hi darling, come sit with me. We have a lot to discuss about
NONSO: a lot? (with disapproval on his face)
SHADE: what have been keeping you away since? Or are you still trying to avoid me? You see, these things I can easily help you with but you aren't cooperating with me
NONSO: Ah, Shade! Let's not make this a subject of today. Please can you tell me which of my scripts are missing?
SHADE: you are very stubborn. Do you think you are the only guy on campus who wants As. You see little things like this I can help you run it, you don't even have to show your face. You know I am very close to these lecturers. Just say yes to me.
NONSO: that is more reason I don't want to get myself involved with you. Because so many lecturers have their eyes on you. I don't want to be their prey
SHADE: is that a yes or no?
NONSO: common Shade, you are smart you should understand better. It can't work between us
SHADE: when you are ready you know where to find me. Shade stood up and was about to leave. Nonso grabbed her hand and said please give me some time. She snapped her fingers at my face and left. (wiggling her waist)
Indeed Nonso is a very attractive guy, the favorite of every lecturer as he consistently emerges with the highest score in all assessments, a fact that he relishes immensely. He is determined to work with anyone paired with him and bring the best result. Just as some said, he has his way to maneuver around things. This in particular made all the ladies in his department, if not on the campus to run after him.
Nonso felt like he had gotten himself in his biggest trouble. It is almost time for the last lecture of the day, nonso went to the lecture room. Everything said in those three hours of lectures was like a man in a soundproof room while it rains heavily outside.
Randomly, students began to leave the lecture room. Unknown to him, the lecture was over. Immediately he regained his consciousness from thinking wide and deep on how to get Shade to help him without accepting her request.
Nonso sat behind while everyone left. Then lolade his coursemate and an admirer approached him. The girl Nonso had always thought to be his spec but couldn't approach her because of her fiancee outside the school
LOLADE: unserious boy, are you not going home? She asked
NONSO: I heard that some lecturers said I have some missing test scripts
LOLADE: yes. It's Dr. Ademola DeJi and Prof. Balogun. They both reluctantly made the pronouncement last week
NONSO: just the two of them, he asked to be precise
LOLADE: yeah
Nonso: thanks dearie, have a nice evening
LOLADE: bye dear (leaving with a cute smile)
Nonso muttered, Shade can go to hell for all I care. I have gotten the information I needed. His mood brightens.
The next day Nonso dressed decently no crazy jeans, you know the old adage "he has to dress just how he wished to be addressed" to emanate his discipline. Because he planned to meet Prof Balogun and Dr Ademola DeJi to sort out a way to fix the damages his missing test scripts must have caused him.
At the staircase leading to the second floor where the office of both lecturers are located adjacent to each other. He was submerged in thoughts, whether to say the truth that he didn't take the test. But then the inquisitive question would be, how did his get his name in the attendance sheet that very day? If this deliberate questioning occurs, many friends of his will be punished for his sake.
Then here comes three students descending along the same staircase, one calling out to Nonso, he looked up. And he beheld an angelic figure.
It is the random girl from the ICT block immediately Nonso countenance was lifted. They exchanged pleasantries, she looked so elegant and he could perceive her nice spray from the distance of a handshake.
RANDOM GIRL: why are you dressed so comported like you got a contract deal
NONSO: smiling with a big grin, you recall the last time we met I told you about some tests I missed and these lecturers are one of the toughest
RANDOM GIRL: Tough? I don't see any tough lecturers on this campus
NONSO: Prof Balogun and Dr Ademola DeJi
RANDOM GIRL: oh those are my friends. she asked are you going up there to see them now?
NONSO: yes I replied sheepishly
RANDOM GIRL: come on let's go, don't say a word I got you. You need to loosen up, you look so determined
NONSO: what more can I do, he shrugged
When they got to the office of Dr DeJi, she knocked and went in immediately without hesitating, Nonso moved behind her. Dr DeJi was pleased to see her, I mean who wouldn't? They spoke merilly for a while then she introduced Nonso as a friend to the lecturer. Surprisingly Dr DeJi vouched for Nonso as a good student. Then he asked, What brings you to my office?
RANDOM GIRL: my friend here has an issue of a missing script
DR DEJI: oh that must be an omission or misplacement of papers. Are you the person in question?
NONSO: nodding yes sir
DR DEJI: I don't believe this, I mean you of all people? That is not a problem at least you have a clean sheet so far. I will fix that up, you shouldn't bother
RANDOM GIRL: (saying appraisal words) to the lecturer
After a few minutes they left Dr DeJi's office, as she was about knocking at the other office, Nonso stopped her
NONSO: he was amazed. Then he asked her, just like that?
RANDOM GIRL: cool off there's nothing there
She knocked at Prof Balogun's office but it's locked. Maybe I could check him later, Nonso said politely. So they left for the stairways
NONSO: you have done a lot for me, thank you so much
RANDOM GIRL: relax, it's nothing serious
NONSO: how can I pay you for your help?
RANDOM GIRL: uhmm just check him back
NONSO: sure I will. By the way, what is your name?
RANDOM GIRL: Flora. I am a final year student from the department of Science laboratory technology (SLT) microbiology option in the faculty of Science
NONSO: Oh I must say, your assistance is top notch
FLORA: laughed, so what about you?
Nonso said in my thoughts oh the beautiful girl wants to know me, then let's make this a memorable moment
NONSO: don't you think we need a better place to talk more so I could know you immensely?
FLORA: that will be great but I have a lecture to catch up with
NONSO: me too.. so let's make it 3pm today. I will come wait for you at your block
FLORA: that's alright. Hope you know your way
NONSO: no one has ever lost their way, looking for the right thing. I mean if I do, I will ask my way around
FLORA: you are funny she laughed again and bumped him with her fist while leaving. She said catch you later
NONSO: (scorns) on his biggest grin.. yeah see ya
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