


4 months ago


Sitting in the staircase as he waits patiently for his turn and thinking irrationally while waiting. Am I going insane? Or is it just this crazy school that is getting on my nerves because silently I am losing myself and beginning to act psychotic. Why is this queue not even moving?
PHONE VIBRATES: mmm mmm (in the right thigh pocket)
NONSO: Josh should calm down
NONSO: is there another lecturer in the class? (Asking his instincts)
1ST STUDENT CHANTING FROM THE QUEUE AHEAD: I see you don't have eyes, I was here before you. You better follow the queue
2ND STUDENT CHANTING FROM THE QUEUE AHEAD: it seems you are not raised well by your mother.
3RD STUDENT CHANTING FROM THE QUEUE AHEAD: and the portal is closing by 7 pm today and it's already pass 5pm
NONSO: is this man giving an impromptu test now that my mental state is in chaos? he thought
FINALLY NONSO PULLS OUT THE PHONE: dad 2 missed calls, course rep 4 missed calls, Josh roomie 1 missed call (he sighs)
He looked at the counter, just a few persons to get to him after several hours of waiting in the queue.
Immediately he texted his dad promising to get back to him once free. He called Josh his roommate
NONSO: hey bro
JOSH: there's a heavy gunfire at Okigbo junction, I heard it even started inside the school. You know all these cult boys. Some guys were stabbed at the roundabouu........ (Network breaks)
NONSO: hello Josh which roundabout? School roundabout or the one at Kokomo Express
JOSH: hangs up
PHONE BUZZING: course rep calling
NONSO: Hi Shade
SHADE: baby boy, lecturers have been complaining about your missing test scripts. Three missing scripts now
NONSO: which test scripts please?
SHADE: when you come tomorrow, let's talk
NONSO: okay thanks dear
MRS JANE SCREAMS: who is next on the queue?
NONSO: Rushing while rampaging his files, sorry ma'am I was on call. Good evening ma'am
MRS JANE: what can I do for you? (With a frown)
NONSO: ma'am please I need to make some changes in my data, I was told it will affect me when I want to graduate especially now in my final year
MRS JANE: (aggressively roaming her eyeballs over his documents) So it is now you remembered to change all these? Now that you heard the portal will be closing . You don't even have complete duplicates, some receipts are also missing
NONSO: slowly bowed his head and muttered (which kind wahala be this)
MRS JANE: go to the ICT center, print this copy coloured, photocopy this one, get .... receipt and a passport of white background
NONSO: his head echoing, thinking how he could get home safely. How he got about three missing test scripts in his final year. And how he could also correct these mistakes before the portal closes today, it's already 5:47 pm

Immediately, Nonso hastily rushed down to the ICT block, but so many operators at the ICT were already locking up because of the clash, no one wants to be a victim of revenge by the counterpart cult.
He had to plead with the young lady he met at the last opened ict store, he offered to pay her more. So she asked him to sit down while she went through his documents to see which one was missing or needed a coloured copy.
Suddenly a young random lady walked into the store, she tried to exchange pleasantries but honestly Nonso wasn't in the mood. She sat down close to him quietly while Nonso rubbed his hand through his head in confusion.
The Random girl asked why he was in so much hurry and looked deserted. Nonso replied nothing, nevermind.
RANDOM GIRL: how important is this? She tossed his lanyard in the air
NONSO: whaaat? That's mine, those are my id cards in my lanyard. How did you get it?
RANDOM GIRL: you left it behind while you ransacked through your files at the DBA's office
NONSO: oh thanks, please give It to me
RANDOM GIRL: no, until you tell me what is going on with you and why you look desolated?
NONSO: hmm, I have less than an hour to submit those documents (pointing to the ICT lady printing his documents) to the DBA's office else I will be parading with a BSC certificate that says otherwise from my school leaving certificate.
NONSO CONTINUES: I heard there was a cult clash today, you know what that means? you are not new here, I guess. He paused, there must be a retaliation from the other cult clan that didn't fought well earlier. Unfortunately that junction in quote is the only way to my hostel. Yet I began having missing test scripts lately, I don't know if I didn't submit at the proper desk. I feel sick already.
ICT LADY: I am done, here are the main documents you need for this correction
NONSO: oh he excused himself, then he walked to the ict lady. Thank you ma, and I appreciate it. He paid for the service in extra as promised
NONSO: then he turned to the random girl, collected his lanyard and thanked her as well while she still sits.
RANDOM GIRL: she stood up and asked if she could accompany him back to the DBA'S office
NONSO: he muttered "Oh my god". His head rang as he asked himself! Is this the same girl sitting right here with me all this while?
(Nonso saying in his thoughts) "oh my gosh" she's breathtaking! This girl is hot, Is this figure 8 or 18? She's so lustfully sexy. I can't believe my stress blinded me from seeing this.
Nonso began to describe her in his fantasy, that size 27 waist with a flat tummy and a size 40 hips (ukwù wèrè nti) which means a woman's waist that has ears, just like the nollywood star NANCY ISIME. Her dark short dress is half exposing her Very thick, tender and fair thighs . Nonso got lost in his lustful gaze, felt like ripping off that gown and tearing her apart nonstop
RANDOM GIRL: hello she said, are you going or not? it's 6:30 pm already
NONSO: he thought of how she could slow him down, so he had to choose between the beautiful lady accompanying him or submitting his documents in due time. He said thank you I will handle it my way, (trying to act like he doesn't care).
Then he left hurrying to the DBA's office hoping to see the random girl some other time.

📸 F. Udofia
#ANWIF #IndigoPen #HelloNircle #NircleFamily #MyNircleFeeds #NircleTools #NircleBlogPost #StoryTeller #NircleStories #Poetry #NircleBookClub #BigGlobal

4 months ago


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