Actions of Darkness
joy Anderson@joyanderson211333
11 months ago
June 28th ,July 5th .I note down the date in my crappy journal .The days I committed my first two murders .The days I'd had blood on my hands for the first time ,the redness and stench of the blood still haunting me .
I still vividly remember the fear and trepidation I felt , the way my heart beat so fast I thought I'd die from a heart attack .just as I stabbed Richard Damola in the chest with a bread knife .It took a total of nine strikes to get me satisfied that I'd finally killed my rapist . I'd ended him just like he did to me after putting his filthy hands on me forcefully and having his way .And I remembered the enthralling feeling of rage .For once it felt good to be vengeful. I felt that I'd avenged myself and every other girl out there who'd suffered the same fate as I had in his hands . Served him right but it felt like it wasn't enough . Even though he's dead , I'm still scarred ,my nights are never peaceful without a dream or two of him torturing me and I thought maybe if I let the darkness consume me and make everyone he cares about pay then I'd get my long awaited relief and I let the darkness take control.
July 5th ,Tuesday .The darkness inside me made me do it , I'd fallen way too far into its pit and did things I shouldn't have . Richard's only daughter lied in her own pool of blood after I'd kidnapped her and let my men have their way with her .I thought maybe we'd be even , letting her experience what her father did to me and putting a bullet through her head afterwards .What I'd done was totally wrong in every possible way but I'm starting to like the feeling of blood on my hands , I've even been tempted to taste it and see if it matches with its tangy scent . She deserved every bit of what I went through ,she deserved to pay for her father's sins and what better way to make her pay by going through what I went through at an early age ,especially the ones who'd done me and my family wrong .
August 28th ,the day of my death sentence .In a span of three month I'd killed 6 people .I felt like a serial killer but I killed only people belonging to the same bloodline and I doubt I would have stopped if I wasn't apprehended by the police .The judge gave me a death sentence and I gladly accept it .Atleast they let me hold on to my journal despite my impending sentence . It's my only salvation and has details of the darkness that enshrouded my heart and as I write my last words ,I can't feel the darkness anymore .If death is what unchains this dark spirit from me then so be it .