A Victory Parade
Abby Saila@sailaabby718822
1 month ago
It was the twenty fourth year, the eleventh month
The sixth day when the cheers of conquerors,
Shook the very foundations of the earth,
Almost yanking off the tapestry of the firmament.
As in the Palace Sushan of old,
When the Jews gained the advantage
Unexpected, for a day had been signed for total annihilation
There's always a but in things like this
But in this case I'd like to say it's deserving
For indeed prevail they did!
The Luminous Ecclessia were basking in the victory
Reminiscent of the Roman gladiators
A breed they are, peculiar to be sure!
Persistent as a tick for He hath said
"Give him no rest", the tenacity grew steadily
Some in soundless sighs, others in praise
And yet some more in perpetual tears gushing like rivers
From faces strenuous in supplication
Until the vials of answers rained down
When the King smelled a sweet savour
Then heavenly host took breathers, of relief
Sailing on to the next!
Photocredit: IBTW
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1 month ago
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