Mmachukwu Joy@mmachukwujoy184112
5 months ago
Ego, a silent companion
A reflection of self, or so it would beguile
A voice that whispers yet speaks so loud
A mask that hides the truth, in a crowded cloud
Ego and pride intertwined
Like pride, a beacon of self in the dark of night
it fuels the fire that drives us high
but can also consume with a deadly sigh the good book says
Ego puffs and preens, a proud display
A precarious sanctuary, built to sway
The winds of doubt, the rains of fear
Like a castle built on sand, a spider wave of defense, yet it stands, through passing times
It feeds on praise, on admiration's fire
But burns with envy, with each heart's desire
It builds a wall, a barricade high
And locks away, the pains we can't deny
But when the mask slips, and the truth is told
The ego tumbles down, its power grows old
A precipitous drop from the lofty wall
For in its depths, a fragile soul is found
A heart that beats, with a love unbound
So let us this ego's power tame
And let our true selves, shine with new light
For in humility, we find our way
To a love that's real, and a brighter day.