A New Breed
Abby  Saila

A New Breed

Abby Saila

3 months ago

Riiip, speaks the note,
While the old crowd looked on,
Wondering at the sight,
Is this all there is?
Dethroned, rang loud as cymbals.

He was a prince, revere beauty he was
He craved power beyond reason
Daring to oppose the Most High
In derision, he was sent away
To throng among the seeds of man

Beget heirs of them
Became a thorn in their flesh
Swapped ruler's garb for serfs'
Then men stumbled in the dark
But the Creator wasn't pleased, seeing deception

So He sent His waves
Crashing in a destroying storm
And all laid to waste in twinkle
But it grieved the Creator's heart
To see so many gone in a giffy

Then His chosen man offered
A sweet-smelling oblation
Then He was appeased!

A new pact was drawn
Now years flew on supersonic speed
A final Mediator born
Lived. Fought. Won!
And declared "it is finished"

Ushering in a new era
New race called Christ-like
Once and for all He gained victory
And gave back man's stolen right
In a flourish, and qualified all
Who would believe in Him

Pinning on them with the unique
Badge "New Breed", forever.

Photocredit: Dreamstime

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3 months ago

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