A Letter to AdeMi
Ashaolu Opeyemi Christiana

A Letter to AdeMi

Ashaolu Opeyemi Christiana

3 months ago

Letter to Ade Mi

I love you so much, that words can't tell
And I want you to love me as much as you can
I now believe love is blind cause we both fell
But still you didn't leave my hands

I see in you my future
Despite some may say I'm getting ahead of myself
Still yet with you I don't want no closure
All these feelings at times leaves me perplexed

I want to be with you, pray for you, stand by you and be for you
I want to walk down the aisle to you, with smiles on our face
With our future blazing bright and true
As we walk together the journey of a thousand miles

This and a lot more I want with you
As I hope and pray our love last through
I hope my wishes one day with you come true
As we fufill our heart desires together and forget the past.
Here's to a beautiful tomorrow Ade Mi


3 months ago

Ashaolu Opeyemi Christiana

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