Sofiyat Hassan

Sofiyat Hassan

1 year ago


Free me and allow me flow
I've been in this cage for so many days
My movement had been random with no destination
I had travelled the same place over again with no navigation

I can only see the sun and reflect it's ray of light
But can never rise up to be a part of the beautiful cloud
It feels my potentials are put on hold
And my hopes faint and bold

In my caged wall,
I can differentiate between dawn and dusk
Can see what's happening in the world
Yet, I still want my freedom

I want to soar and find my astute level
I'm unique and was made into existence to dazzle
I was born black, I'm an Africa
Leave me to flow and soothe like a peaceful river


1 year ago

Chalya Goli

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Sofiyat Hassan @sofiyathassan243005
The whole piece is about a water in a bottle. The first piece signifies the random particles in the bottle, moving to and fro without having a particular destination and it symbolizes Africa itself not developing but revolving over the same method over and over again The second verse. Is about the water in the bottle allowing sun ray's to pass through it and can never evaporate as it's in a closed bottle, it signifies Africa allowing other people's culture, value Norms and beliefs eat deep into the fabric of our nation and gradually forgetting it's our own time to bring our own culture to the greater world The 3rd verse signifies that the water is in a plastic bottle which I described to be a cage and yet can allow light pass through it when available but actually never stops bubbling, finding it's level and really want to flow out of the bottle if permitted, it signifies Africa seeing the changes happening in the world even without the capability wants to evolve and blend into what's happening The last verse is where mentioned the characteristics of water to find it's level regardless and water being a universal necessity to life. It signifies Africa wanting to find it's intelligence level in the World and wanting to explore and change the world the little way it could
1 year ago

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jamiu Ramadan Adeleke @jamiuramadanadeleke174719
1 year ago

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Oladunni Falade @oladunnifalade481702
1 year ago