Ekwere Itoro

Ekwere Itoro

1 year ago

Our Secret Place

The water came calling our names in the dark when the night was still and dead.
We stepped out in three noiseless strides to commune with the water's kids.
The Male gobies, the goldfish, and the Eel

We spoke in low tones and kept our eyes abroad, for the humans in the water were after our life and the humans on land were after the water kids.
So we learn to count the time with our teeth and play when the moon emerges from the East, for by then, our mothers slept and our fathers snored.

The moon smiled and danced and chased us into every corner.
We would run and scream within our skin and laugh as loud as the movement of a tortoise.
No one was afraid, for in the dark, we were free and freedom was seen in little things, like dancing with our legs untied and breathing with our mouths.

We tell tales and see visions, of our fathers hugging and our mothers cooking with the same pots.
As the moon chameleons to the West, we coiled back into our beds and laughed in silence.


1 year ago

Ekwere Itoro Emmanuel Job Chalya Goli

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