Kyeremeh Winston
1 year ago
le' us murder and kill
lie and loo' and s'eal
we are younger
and na'urally stronger
le' us 'he weak chea'
and 'he meek off 'heir sea'
we have learn' a lo'
so much 'o forge' we canno'
le' us look down grey hair
creeds and dogmas as chaff in 'he air
wi'h 'his piece of beau'y
le' us be proud even un'o du'y
using false scales
backed wi'h swee' 'ales
le' us ou'wi' 'he poor
'o keep 'hem forever banging a' our door
in our swif'ness
le' us ou'run every wi'ness
for 'his is our 'ime
very ripe and a' i's prime:
KEY: "T" in place of apostrophes