Chelsea Nahai Awang

Chelsea Nahai Awang

1 year ago

By Chelsea Nahai Awang

Like evanescence, we are unclear.
Like swirling perfume in a bottle
we are colored, stained, painted
murky fragrance of murky waters.
And as sweat talks, or tears speak
leaning over a dark peak of cheek,
we are proving humanity yet and again
claiming supernature, claiming transience.

Steam, ice, binding but ephemeral
a brief boiling pot under the Nile
-water is brief, brief as Africa herself;
starting here, ending there, everywhere.
Year by year, our waters seem vaguer.
The brown of the Niger blending
into the clear-blue Benue, lines erasing.

Or is the vapor within me now
not the same blood which rushed
through the veins of my ancestors?
Oh how short the history, how endless!
The same spittle, the same morning mist?
Is it not the same evaporation
of pain, condensation of life,
precipitation of birth?

All who are delivered by basket
over the Nile, all dead under the Niger
All who bathe in African waters
and cry it out, bleed it and drink from it
do you not know you drink from me?
From African history?
for we drink future and past from calabash urns.
and express through it, all its clarity and impurity
like a million cupped hands pouring out Africa

#Poetry #AfricaMusicUnboundPoem #WatersofAfricaPoem #WatersofAfrica #NirclePoetryCommunity #AfricanMusicUnbound

1 year ago

micheal morgan Praise Chukwuegu catherine john

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Avi Amanguno @aviamanguno286907
Lovely poem Chelsea looking forward to reading more poems
1 year ago

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Avi Amanguno @aviamanguno286907
Lovely poem Chelsea looking forward to reading more poems
1 year ago

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Chelsea Nahai Awang @chelseaawang911330
1 year ago
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Ali Abdulsalam Ahmed @aliabdulsalamahmed859724
I love the poem Chelsea I like how you used water to symbolise our always changing nature as humans and our connection to nature itself, you might even say we humans are am extension of nature itself not separate from it and I love how you suggested an interconnectedness, where the past, present, and future are entwined in a continuous cycle represented by the flowing waters and the idea that every individual, regardless of time or circumstance, is linked to African history and heritage, which is even scientifically true since all human originated from African
1 year ago

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Chelsea Nahai Awang @chelseaawang911330
Ali! of course you get me poetry!
6 months ago
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Godiya Moses @godiyamoses125680
Amazing. This is full of metaphorical imagery that tells the history of Africa in a tantalizing way. Well done Chelsea. I hope to read more of your poems
1 year ago

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Chelsea Nahai Awang @chelseaawang911330
thank you so much
1 year ago