Olamide Santos
1 year ago
Letter to My Girls
To my daughters
I write this because
I have prayed God
To give me two amazing girls
So though I have not met you
All the same I love you
I write this because
I am a funny man
An unpredictable enigma
I find expressing emotions
Better with letters than words
Yet best with actions
Yet at times i could withdraw
Become cold and distant
Like Pluto's north pole
Don't let my inactions or actions
Make you think less of me
Dear daughters
You will be born into a fragmented world
Multiple cleavages, debates over vanities
While half the world waste away misery
Love is fickle, life unappreciated
But society will demand you choose sides
Choose love, choose the best attainable life
Choose happiness, choose God
He is the key to all you will ever dream of
Let your life give others hope
Ignore society's demands...
And remember always your father's love