Ezichi Faithful

Ezichi Faithful

1 year ago

Once, when I was young, when my imagination was strong.
I heard tales of a woman so young. Her beauty had no wrong.
Nigeria was her name.
I created pictures in my mind of Lagos in black and white.
I imagine the delicacy of existence built with no room resistance.
I imagined the detached houses, simple but yet enough.
The happy focus faces of people, all dressed in black and white.
I imagined the street lights, not being tools for extortion. The tarred roads, before blood stained their souls.
I imagined a woman, elegant and proud, she bore a smile, now in pain, she wails so loudly within her vale.
I imagined a Nigeria when leaders stood behind podiums and spoke into the future.
That is the Nigeria I adore, the Nigeria I dream.

1 year ago

Joseph Omon John  Emmanuel Zimuzo Onah morgan omotayo Bornfaith  Godstime Emilia  Onubuleze Ezichi Faithful

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