Obieziem Ama
Member Since: 9 months ago

Love beyond first sight: a review of Jane Austen's classical novel, Pride and prejudice
Not all love stories begin with love at first sight; some grow from mere dislike... #bookreview #biblophile #hellonircle

thoughts at dusk
"if wishes were horses, beggars would ride." this they often say. But in reality both horses and wishes are things beggars only wish for... #thoughtsatdusk #musing

thoughts at dawn...
he sat across the table while looking at your honey coloured eyes till he was lost in them. He couldn't help but ask; " do bees really produce honey, or do you produce it from your eyes?" you were too stunned to reply so you were all tomatoes... and that was when you found each other. #hellonircle

Am I obliged to love?
Someone demanded of me; "Do you love who love you?" My solemn response: "Am I obliged to love?" "Even the sacred scrolls demands you love Your neighbour as you." He replied... "But if I don't love me; am I obliged to Love?" I demand once more... #poetry #museatdusk
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