You Need These Herbs in Your Home
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold
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You Need These Herbs in Your Home

Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold

2 months ago

Five must have herbs for you to have in your home.

These are essential to add to your herb pantry ;)

Number one is Peppermint:

Peppermint is a natural digestive aid that helps ease nausea and indigestion. This can be enjoyed as tea, added to salads or used in topical creams for a cooling sensation.

Photo credit: Live It Up - .com%2Fblogs%2Fsupergreens%2Fpeppermint-leaf-benefits&psig=AOvVaw3xtw9dVAEtYvb_EM-wYr6_&ust=1733417329838000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCPCpqfbIjooDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

Number two is Tumeric:

Oh my GOD, I love this herb, not only is Tumeric beneficial as a spice in food, it also serves as cosmetics to tone your skin, can be used as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to help reduce pain and boost immunity.

As I said earlier, it can be added to food as a spice or made as tea to boost your immune system.

So, you know you need this in your herb pantry ;)

Photo credit: Skin Kraft - .com%2Fblogs%2Farticles%2Fbenefits-of-turmeric-for-glowing-skin&psig=AOvVaw16VozXGhVO2dCf20yvXtc1&ust=1733417947444000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCICKmp3LjooDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

Number three herb to stock up is Ginger:

I would have added garlic as well but I'll talk about this nice herb.

Ginger comes as a lifesaver for tea to boost your immune system and keep you refreshed and also added in food for spice and taste.

Just like tumeric, ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to alleviate nausea, pain and congestion.

It can be used as tea just as tumeric, and added to meals

Photo credit: Style Craze -

Number four herb is Lavender:

Lavender is a herb I know as a means for beautification, its scent is something you'll want lingering in every room in your home.

Lavender is a natural stress-reliever as it promoted relaxation and calmness.

Now, I am thinking of adding this to my herb pantry 🤔

Photo credit: The Nerdy Farm Wife - .com%2Flavender-tincture%2F&psig=AOvVaw1VhUoNRNdv2zp_SRLjL3aQ&ust=1733419088505000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCJjslszPjooDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAO

The best is always saved for the last or the last is always saved for the best. Same difference, lol

The final herb that I'll keep promoting till forever is my very famous hibiscus flower a.k.a. zobo leaf

This is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant and it used to regulate blood pressure, support kidney function, aid digestion, provide relief from menstrual cramps and many more benefits.

This herb is a must to have and I think by now, you should have at least a cup in your herb pantry

Photo credit: Farmvest -

These are my five must-have herbs in your home.

I hope you all enjoyed reading my post and would consider added these to your pantry

Take care and see you in the next post


2 months ago

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

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