Agbinya Mario Gabriel

Yes You Can

Agbinya Mario Gabriel

6 months ago

When the road seems long, and the night is dark,
When your strength is gone, and you’ve lost your spark,
Remember these words, simple yet grand,
Believe in yourself, for yes, you can.

When doubt creeps in and whispers lies,
When fear takes hold and paralyzes,
Stand tall, be bold, take a stand,
Brush off the fear, for yes, you can...

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6 months ago

Amarachi  Anastasia  Okoro

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Nice words out there, captivating and motivating. Life is mostly about what we can't get compared to what we already have. When you give yourself into over stressing your mind to get it all while you give nothing in return, you'll feel you were never made to make it as well along with other successful hands
6 months ago

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Agbinya Mario Gabriel @agbinyamariogabriel183767
Absolutely and that is why we must stress less and just believe we can.
6 months ago
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Emmanuel Job @jobemmanuel287236
my boss
6 months ago

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Becky Oludayo Peleowo @beckyoludayoadenuga426965
You're really good with motivating poems. Thumbs up.
6 months ago

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Agbinya Mario Gabriel @agbinyamariogabriel183767
Thanks a lot. I appreciate you kind words.
6 months ago