Woman Explains Why Nigerians Dont Find Love in Diaspora
Nigerians In Diaspora News

Woman Explains Why Nigerians Dont Find Love in Diaspora

Nigerians In Diaspora News

6 months ago

A Woman Living in Diaspora, Ebere Chikezie, is giving Nigerians some advice of finding relationships in Diaspora.

Many people say there's no love in Europe and advise bringing love from your home country. Here’s why:

First, by the time you're migrating in your late 20s or early 30s, many of your peers in the diaspora, regardless of the country, are already in relationships or have been with someone since high school. You might have had past relationships too, but due to moving or other reasons, those ended. Now, you're likely to meet people who are settled or trying to settle down, which is a challenge.

One major reason I’ve observed is the way some people dress. In cold weather, people, especially women, tend to wear big jackets that cover their shape and form. Women should be more strategic in dressing during the cold months to show their attractiveness without being too covered up. Instead of oversized clothing, try layering with stylish pieces like a neat sweater and a belt to accentuate your waist. This way, you still look good and attractive even in the cold months.

Another reason is that our people do not socialize enough. They rarely attend public events or community gatherings in the new environment, which makes it harder to meet new people. It’s important to acclimatize to the new culture, attend events regardless of race or culture, and mingle with others in your area, school, or workplace. This will increase your chances of finding someone to connect with.

Many restrict themselves to only Nigerian communities, events, and gatherings. This limits your chances of finding a life partner. Open yourself to other cultural groups and engage with people from various communities. You never know where your love might be. Don’t just look within your cultural group, as your life partner might not be there.

Lastly, cultural differences can be a barrier. Some cultural shocks, like smoking or pet ownership, may limit options for relationships. In some cultures, smoking is common, and pets are part of the family, which might not align with your preferences. These differences can narrow your dating pool and make finding love challenging.

In summary are the five key reasons outlined

Age and Relationship Status: Many Nigerians who migrate to other countries are often in their late 20s or early 30s. By this time, many people in their new country may already be in long-term relationships or married, making it challenging to find available partners.

Fashion and Presentation: The video suggests that how people dress, especially in colder climates, can affect their ability to attract partners. The host advises dressing in a way that maintains one's attractiveness, even during colder months, by wearing layered clothing that still showcases one's form.

Lack of Socialization: Nigerians in the diaspora may not attend public events or community gatherings, often due to unfamiliarity with the new culture. The host emphasizes the importance of socializing and acclimatizing to the new environment to meet potential partners.

Restricting Social Circles: Some Nigerians limit their social interactions to their own ethnic community. The host argues that by only attending Nigerian events, people limit their chances of finding a life partner. He encourages opening up to other cultures and communities to increase the chances of finding love.

Cultural Differences: The host discusses how cultural differences, such as attitudes toward smoking or pet ownership, can create barriers. These cultural shocks can limit dating options as they might conflict with personal preferences or cultural norms from Nigeria.

Photo Credit: Ebere Chikezie

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6 months ago

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Becky Oludayo Peleowo @beckyoludayoadenuga426965
Nice one, helpful tip for single women in diaspora and prospective single women travellers.
6 months ago